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If you couldn’t attend the 2024 Science Slam of the Berlin Clusters of Excellence in person, here’s your chance to catch up!
The conference is part of the Research Area 1: "Competing Communities".
The workshop is part of the project "Circulating Narratives - Entangling Communities: Case Studies in Global Performance Art", Research Area 2: "Travelling Matters".
The audio-series is part of the project "A Dialogue from Time to Time. Translation and Literary Multilingualism", Research Area 4: "Literary Currencies".
Andrew James Johnston | Science Slam 2024
Image Credit: Film still from the Science Slam video produced by DAS GUTE WERK Bewegtbild.
Image Credit: —
Counter Narratives and Resilience in Practice
Image Credit: —
Image Credit: Yimeng Wu
The workshop is part of the project "Digital Constructions of Authorship", Research Area 4: "Literary Currencies".
The conference is part of the Research Area 1: "Competing Communities" and Research Area 4: "Literary Currencies".
The symposium is part of the Research Area 1: "Competing Communities".
The workshop is part of the project "Writing Berlin", Research Area 4: "Literary Currencies".
Mara Genschel
Image Credit: Mara Genschel
black-diaspora-comic quad
Image Credit: Panchulei
Symposium: Circus and the Avantgardes
Image Credit: Studio SYBERG
Wir schauen auf diese Stadt
Image Credit: Gestaltung: Hanna Zeckau/Kiosk Royal