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Honorary doctorate from Leiden University for EXC 2020 member Beatrice Gründler

News from Nov 02, 2022

Beatrice Gründler, Professor of Arabic Language and Literature at Freie Universität and EXC 2020 member, will receive an honorary doctorate in Oriental Manuscript Studies in recognition of her career-long contributions to the understanding of classical Arabic language, its history, literature and sociology, and in particular her ground-breaking role in illuminating the dynamics of the Arabic-Persian literary practice, its expression in the manuscript tradition, and its transformations across religious, linguistic and cultural boundaries.

Gründler was nominated by the Faculty of Humanities of Leiden University and Leiden University Libraries. She will receive her honorary doctorate from Professor of Arabic Petra Sijpesteijn.

The honorary doctorate will be awarded on 8 February 2023, during Leiden University’s 448th Dies Natalis.

Read more in the Freie Universität press release and on the Leiden University website.

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