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In teaching literature, we aim at elucidating a given text’s entanglement with related and competing social and aesthetic practices in a global perspective.
We consistently integrate our innovative interdisciplinary approaches and methods into B.A. and M.A. level teaching, offering special formats to actively involve students in EXC 2020's approach to global literature, such as: interdisciplinary co-teaching, multi-medial explorations and project seminars with partners in the cultural scene, lecture series, summer and spring schools and masterclasses taught by renowned artists and academics.


Lecture Series

Summer and Spring Schools


The Literary Lives of Emile Habibi, Sprachpraktische Übung, Refqa Abu-Remaileh

The Body on Display: Einführung in die Aufführungsanalyse, Seminar, Lindsey Drury

Erstickte Worte, Seminar, Marianne Eusterschulte

Games und Literatur, Seminar, Frank Fischer

Forschungsperspektiven Arabistik, Colloquium, Beatrice Gründler

Colonial and Postcolonial Literatures: Postcolonial Epic, Vertiefungsseminar, Wolfram Keller

Medieval English Literatures: Constructing the Medieval, Methodenübung, Wolfram Keller

A Revolutionary Culture: Sources of America's Political Imaginary, Vorlesung, Frank Kelleter

Post-Classical Theory, Hauptseminar, Frank Kelleter

Advanced Theory and Methods in the Study of Culture, Seminar, Frank Kelleter

La Frontera Norte - Die Grenze zwischen Mexiko und den USA in der Literatur, Hauptseminar, Susanne Klengel

Queer-Theorie Disziplinübergreifende Interventionen, Seminar, Alexandra Ksenofontova

Colonial and Postcolonial Literatures: Postcolonial Theories, Vorlesung, Stephan Laqué

Postcolonial Literatures: Postcolonialism, Methodenübung, Stephan Laqué

Experiments: Politics and Aesthetics in Contemporary Arts and Culture, Hauptseminar, Annette Jael Lehmann-Kolesch

Spanische Lyrik in transnationaler Perspektive, Proseminar, Nicolas Longinotti

Die Kunst des Scheiterns. Von ungeschriebenen Büchern und erfundenen AutorInnen, Vertiefungsseminar, Jutta Müller-Tamm

Akteur:innen deutsch-griechischer Verflechtungskulturen, E-Learning, Miltiadis Pechlivanos

Und was kommt danach? Alternative Archive der Gegenwartslyrik, Hauptseminar, Lea Schneider

Eugénie Grandet, intertextuell & intermedial, Hauptseminar, Ulrike Schneider

Nikos Kazantzakis als Weltautor: Literaturvermittlung und -kritik, Seminar, Bart Soethaert

Colonial and Postcolonial Literatures: Writing the Middle Passage, Vertiefungsseminar, David Wachter

Literatur der sozialen Medien, Seminar, Paul Wolff

“A Journey to Berlin, 1887-1892”: Hasan Tawfiq al-‘Adl’s Description of German Society and Culture, Sprachkurs, Islam Dayeh

World Literature, Seminar, Andrew James Johnston

Die Musik-Kulturen Siziliens im Spiegel globaler Transformationen, Exkursion, Sebastian Klotz

Improvisation in transkultureller Perspektive, Seminar, Sebastian Klotz

Planung, Architektur und Gesellschaft (Seminar), Global inequality, labor mobility and space Global, Seminar, Martina Löw

Transfer: Akteur:innen deutsch-griechischer Verflechtungskulturen, E-Learning, Bart Soethaert