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EXC 2020 member Lindsey Drury winner of 2022 Honorable Mention, Gertrude Lippincott Award for best English language article in dance studies

News from Sep 22, 2022

EXC 2020 member Lindsey Drury (Research Area 5: "Building Digital Communities") has been awarded the 2022 Honorable Mention for the Gertrude Lippincott Award for her article "The Double Life of Pagan Dance: Indigenous Rituality, Early Modern Dance, and the Language of US Newspapers" in the European Journal of Theatre and Performance. The awards committee commended Drury’s work for "for its important methodological interventions, exemplifying how to use quantitative and qualitative methods to make an insightful argument […] the article shows how dance operates within public discourse to impact marginalized and privileged communities unevenly."  

The Gertrude Lippincott Award is granted annually by the Dance Studies Association (DSA). Only seven honorable mentions have been awarded since 1996.
Lindsey Drury will be honoured at the Dance Studies Association awards ceremony in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Her article is available open access here: https://journal.eastap.com/eastap-issue-3/

More information about the Gertrude Lippincott Award can be found here: https://dasa.memberclicks.net/gertrude-lippincott

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