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Wednesday, 2 February 2022: TORCH Book at Lunchtime on "Literary Cosmopolitanism in the English Fin de Siècle" with EXC 2020 Co-Director Anita Traninger

News from Jan 25, 2022

TORCH - The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities, University of Oxford
Book at Lunchtime: "Literary Cosmopolitanism in the English Fin de Siècle"

Online webinar on Wednesday, 2 February 2022, 1pm - 2pm

Dr Stefano Evangelista, Associate Professor of English and Tutorial Fellow at Trinity College, Oxford, will discuss his book Literary Cosmopolitanism in the English Fin de Siècle: Citizens of Nowhere with Professor Fiona Macintosh and EXC 2020 Co-Director Professor Anita Traninger.

Further information and registration

Dr Stefano Evangelista is Associate Professor of English and a Tutorial Fellow at Trinity College, Oxford. His work explores the links between English literature and other languages, classical antiquity, visual culture and the history of sexuality. Literary Cosmopolitanism in the English Fin de siècle draws on research conducted during an AHRC Fellowship in 2014-16 and a British Academy Mid-Career Fellowship in 2018-19. His recent TORCH Knowledge Exchange Fellowship on Berlin through the eyes of English writers resulted in the Happy in Berlin? exhibition at the Literaturhaus-Berlin, Humboldt University and Bodleian Library.

Professor Fiona Macintosh is Professor of Classical Reception at Oxford and a Fellow of St Hilda’s College. Her research focuses include the classical and modern reception of Greek and Roman drama. Professor Macintosh’s most recent publication, written with Dr Justine McConnell, is Performing Epic or Telling Tales, a volume exploring the turn to narrative in twenty-first-century theatre. She is Director of the Archive of Performances of Greek and Roman Drama and Curator of the Ioannou Centre.

Professor Anita Traninger is Professor of Romance Literatures, Freie Universität Berlin and a Visiting Fellow at All Souls College, Oxford. Her areas of research include the history of rhetoric and dialectics, transcultural entanglements of literature and discourses of knowledge from the late Middle Ages to the nineteenth century, and theories of gender and institutions as well as media history. She has previously been a fellow in residence at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study, a visiting scholar at Oriel College, Oxford and a Global Humanities Senior Fellow at Harvard University.

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