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Lea Hopp

Lea Hopp

Lea Hopp
Image Credit: Katrin Streicher

Dorothea Schlegel Artist in Residence, Research Area 4: "Literacy Currencies"

May 2024

not a piece of cake

The mechanisms of public selection procedures play a decisive role in influencing the market value and cultural significance of works of art. The video work not a piece of cake sets itself the task of examining evaluation mechanisms, their methods and the politics of visualisation on the basis of decision-making procedures within jury meetings.

Lea Hopp is a visual artist living in Berlin.  After studying in Berlin and Strasbourg, Hopp curated events (Volksbühne Berlin, PACT Zollverein, HMKV Dortmund, Various Others Munich) with the queer-feminist label FAM_. Most recently, she worked as a videographer at the Deutsche Oper Berlin and taught at the Bauhaus University Weimar. Her works, which are characterised by cinematic, photographic and performative elements, deal with the provisional, the casually everyday and structures of play. She is interested in forms of storytelling, the human body as a moving archive and the process of identity formation. In her films and photographic works, which often contain essayistic elements, she deals with questions of social dynamics and the oppressive character of sign systems—combining a documentary approach with explicitly fictional elements.

Hopp's residency project in Research Area 2 'Travelling Matters' (March-May 2021) can be found here.