Principal investigators
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Brokoff
Professor of Modern German Literature
Member, RA 2: Travelling Matters
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Conrad
Professor of Modern History
Member, RA 1: Competing Communities
Prof. Dr. Anne Eusterschulte
Professor of the History of Philosophy
Cluster Co-Director; Moderator, RA 3: Future Perfect
Prof. Dr. Frank Fischer
Professor of the Digital Humanities
Moderator, RA 5: Building Digital Communities
Prof. Dr. Susanne Frank
Professor of Eastern Slavic Literatures and Cultures
Moderator, RA 1: Competing Communities
Prof. Dr. Michael Gamper
Professor of German and Comparative Literature
Moderator, RA 4: Literary Currencies
Prof. Dr. Eva Geulen
Professor of European Culture and the History of Knowledge
Member, RA 2: Travelling Matters
Prof. Dr. Karin Gludovatz
Professor of Art History
Diversity Officer; Moderator, RA 2: Travelling Matters
Prof. Dr. Beatrice Gründler
Professor of Arabic Language and Literature
Moderator, RA 3: Future Perfect; Member, RA 5: Building Digital Communities
Prof. Dr. Ulla Haselstein
Professor of American Literature
Member, RA 3: Future Perfect
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Huss
Professor of Italian and French Literature
Member, RA 1: Competing Communities
Prof. Dr. Andrew James Johnston
Professor of Medieval and Renaissance English Literature
Cluster Director; Moderator, RA 3: Future Perfect
Prof. Dr. Hermann Kappelhoff
Professor of Film and Media Studies
Member, RA 4: Literary Currencies
Prof. Dr. Frank Kelleter
Professor of American Culture
Member, RA 1: Competing Communities
Prof Dr. Susanne Klengel
Professor of Latin American Literatures and Cultures
Member, RA 1: Competing Communities
Prof. Dr. Caroline Kögler
Jun.-Professor for English Philology / Global Literature and its Media with a Focus on Gender Studies
Member, RA 4: Literary Currencies
Prof. Dr. Doris Kolesch
Professor of Theatre and Performance Studies
Member, RA 2: Travelling Matters
Prof. Dr. Christian Meyer
Professor of the History and Culture of Premodern China
Member, RA 3: Future Perfect
Prof. Dr. Jutta Müller-Tamm
Professor of German Literature
Moderator, RA 4: Literary Currencies
Prof. Dr. Miltos Pechlivanos
Professor of Modern Greek Studies
Moderator, RA 1: Competing Communities; Member, RA 5: Building Digital Communities
Prof. Dr. Bernd Roling
Professor of Medieval Latin and Neo-Latin Literature
Member, RA 3: Future Perfect
Prof. Dr. Ulrike Schneider
Professor of Romance Literatures
Member, RA 4: Literary Currencies
Dr. Bart Soethaert
Modern Greek Studies
Moderator, RA 5: Building Digital Communities
Prof. Dr. Anita Traninger
Professor of Romance Literatures
Member, RA 5: Building Digital Communities; Member, RA 1: Competing Communities
Prof. Dr. Matthias Warstat
Professor of Theatre Studies
Moderator, RA 2: Travelling Matters