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Framing Narratives in Premodern Literature: Arabic, Persian, Hebrew

Edited Volume

Edited Volume

Johannes Stephan, Beatrice Gründler (Eds.) – 2024

The application of the term framing to Arabic texts is commonly confined to the frame tale type of which the Arabic tradition produced one of the most popular works, The Thousand and One Nights. This issue transcends the study of the Nights and the associated story-within-a-story trope, moving toward a reconstitution of the study of the frame tale as part of literary framings more broadly conceived, which include multiple notions and applicabilities. In so doing, "Framing Narratives" aims to fill in a lacuna both in the study of frame tales in the Arabic and other Middle Eastern traditions such as Kalīla and Dimna, Barlaam and Josaphat and the Seven Sages in their different versions and the broadening of the framing category itself.

Framing Narratives in Premodern Literature: Arabic, Persian, Hebrew
Johannes Stephan, Beatrice Gründler (Eds.)
Edited Volume; RA 3: Future Perfect
Appeared in
Journal of Arabic & Islamic Studies | 24.1
This publication is the result of work carried out in Research Area 3: Future Perfect.

How to cite:
Johannes Stephan and Beatrice Gründler, eds. Framing Narratives in Premodern Literature: Arabic, Persian, Hebrew. Journal of Arabic & Islamic Studies 24, no. 1 (2024). https://journals.uio.no/JAIS/issue/view/836.