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E-quotes and Valuation: Reviving Literature through Social Media

Articulations – Featured Image © Articulations / AI (MidJourney)

Articulations – Featured Image © Articulations / AI (MidJourney)

Dina M. Oleimy – 2024

E-quotes are quotes created for the purpose of being posted on digital platforms. The aim of this insight is to investigate how literary e-quotes posted on Facebook pages demonstrate a new practice of valuation that contradicts traditional practices related to the 'offline world'. Focussing on two Facebook pages, whose content is inspired by excerpts taken from multiple literary works, this research explores how the concept of value is re-worked by generating new practices or modes that do not only emphasise the role of digitality, but also raise the question of agency and the role of new actors. For the purpose of this research, the insight is divided into two parts: the first demonstrates how literary e-quotes represent a transformation of traditional print literature into digitised content; in other words, how the value of literary works is re-worked through 'datafication', which turns these works into data so that they can be easily accessed and circulated. The second part analyses how valuation, as a practice, is communicated among members of digital communities. In this regard, the notion of value as a quantifiable form is tracked through the lens of the different responses that posted e-quotes generate. The analysis of different patterns of response demonstrates how digital communities become an active agent that take part in identifying the value of the digital content produced.

E-quotes and Valuation: Reviving Literature through Social Media
Article; RA 4: Literary Currencies
Appeared in
Alexandra Ksenofontova, Jutta Müller-Tamm, Michael Gamper, Till Kadritzke (Eds.). Articulations: Value
This publication is the result of work carried out in Research Area 4: Literary Currencies.

How to cite:
Dina M. Oleimy. "E-quotes and Valuation: Reviving Literature through Social Media." Articulations: Value, edited by Alexandra Ksenofontova, Jutta Müller-Tamm, Michael Gamper, and Till Kadritzke (July 2024). https://articulations.temporal-communities.de/contributions/e-quotes-and-valuation/.