Circulation by Translation
Bart Soethaert – 2024
This insight develops a praxeological perspective on circulation, underscoring the importance of tangible relay stations in shaping the sequential evolution of a literary work beyond its initial manifestation. These relay stations, positioned at the crossroads of various actor-networks, serve as epistemic sites for discerning specific translation, networking and relay practices. Through these practices, circulating assets assume distinct forms and expressions, becoming entangled in diverse ways and directed toward particular circuits with translocal capacities.
How to cite:
Bart Soethaert. "Circulation by Translation." Articulations: Circulation, edited by Jasmin Wrobel, Florian Fuchs, Michael Gamper, Jutta Müller-Tamm, Till Kadritzke, and Alexandra Ksenofontova (March 2024).