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Prof. Dr. Eric Naiman

University of California, Berkeley

Fellow in Research Area 1: "Competing Communities", July 2024

Eric Naiman teaches Russian and Comparative Literature at the University of California, Berkeley. He received his law degree from Yale and his PhD from the University of California, Berkeley. He is the author of Sex in Public: The Incarnation of Early Soviet Ideology (1997) and Nabokov, Perversely (2010). He is the co-editor of two collections, The Landscape of Stalinism: The Art and Ideology of Soviet Space (2003) and Everyday Life in Revolutionary Russia: Taking the Revolution Inside (2006), as well as many articles on nineteenth and twentieth century Russian literature. He is currently working on two book-length projects: a series of essays about Nabokovian and anti-Nabokovian readings of Tolstoy, Dostoevsky and Proust, as well as a study of the life and work of Andrei Platonov. He spent the first half of 1989 and a month in 1990 in the German Democratic Republic. His interests include the intersections of literature with medicine and law.

Research Project at EXC Temporal Communities:

The Heart of the Whole: Working Through Nabokov