Lianna Mark

Associated Researcher
Associated Member, Research Area 4: Literary Currencies; Early Career Fellow in Research Area 4, March 2023
Lianna Mark is Assistant Professor in Contemporary English Literature at LMU Munich. She holds an AHRC-funded PhD in English and Theatre Studies from King's College London, and studied Modern, Comparative and Postcolonial Literature at the Universities of Bologna and Paris Sorbonne. Before joining LMU in April 2023, she worked at Durham University (UK) and King's College London. She held DFG- and DAAD-funded research fellowships at "Temporal Communities" and in the department of Theatre Studies at the Freie Universität Berlin. Beyond her own research, she has worked as Associate Researcher for the EU-funded project "Fabulamundi Workbook: Mapping Contemporary Playwriting and Theatre Translation Practices in Europe", and as a theatre and literary translator. Her research has been published in Comparative Drama, the Journal of Contemporary Drama in English, and The New Wave of British Women Playwrights (ed. Elisabeth Angel-Perez and Aloysia Rousseau), and she has co-edited an issue of Platform: Journal of Theatre and Performing Arts. Her first monograph, Theatres of Autofiction, is forthcoming in 2024 with Cambridge University Press.