Dr. Michail Leivadiotis

Research-Track Postdoc, Research Area 1
Academic Coordinator, Research Area 1: Competing Communities
EXC 2020 Temporal Communities
Otto-von-Simson-Straße 15
14195 Berlin
Michail Leivadiotis is a Research Track Postdoc (2021) at the Research Area 1 at the Cluster of Excellence 'Temporal Communities'. His project focuses on 15th century textual and visual representations of the crusade rhetoric and cultural universalism. His work is centred around cultural mobility and the political and aesthetic parameters of Byzantine cultural heritage management programmes as emerged from the encounter between Byzantine scholars and western Humanists, eastern medieval imagery and Italian Renaissance, classical tradition and early modern Europe.
Previously, he worked as Research Assistant (2017-2020) at the Freie Universität Berlin in the Research Project: "Viaggio da Berlino a Zante or Romantic Poetics and German Idealism on the Ionian Islands", financed by the Einstein Foundation, where he pursued research on Identity, Hybridity and Cosmopolitanism in the context of cross-cultural communication between Greece, Italy and Germany in the 19th century.
Leivadiotis received his PhD (2016) from the Freie Universität Berlin with a dissertation on cultural transfer and poetics. His work focused on manuscript translations of German speculative philosophy and romantic poetology, realised by N. Lountzis for poet D. Solomos. Within this framework, he received a Research scholarship by Elsa-Neumann-Stipendium and studied as a guest fellow at the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa (Italy).
Prior to his PhD studies, he received a Master's degree (2004) in Translation Theory at the University of Rome "La Sapienza" (Italy). His thesis presented the first Italian version of the script of Theo Angelopoulos' movie The Reconstruction. Within this ambit, he also carried out an Internship at the Press Office of the Greek Embassy in Rome. In Venice, he received a Professional degree (2003) in Museology, and worked at the Foundation Musei Civici Veneziani (Museum Correr), where he specialised in technical cataloguing of ancient books (1500-1800). He studied Medieval and Modern Greek Philology at the University of Ioannina (Greece) and was an exchange student at the University of Padua and the University of Lecce (Italy).
Greek Studies, Institute of Greek and Latin Languages and Literatures, Freie Universität Berlin
Winter 2022/2023
“Greek Folk Poetry: Language, History, and Poetics”
“Linguistics and Poetics in 20th and 21st century”
Summer 2022
“German Idealism in the European 19th century and the Poetics of Dionysios Solomos”
“History of Modern Greek Language”
Winter 2021/2022
“Greek Scholars in the West (15th-16th century)”
“Linguistics and Poetics in 20th and 21st century”
Summer 2020
“Repositories of Cross-Cultural Communication: Philosophy and Literature in the Ionian 19th century”
Winter 2015/2016
“Dionysios Solomos: Poetics and Hermeneutics”
Current research includes an EXC 2020 post-doctoral research project, Translating the Relics of Byzantium. Imagery Transfer and the Politics of Translation. From Greek East to Latin West, 1453-1535 (2021-).
Research Assistant (2017-2020)
Freie Universität Berlin, Einstein Foundation Project: “Viaggio da Berlino a Zante or Romantic Poetics and German Idealism on the Ionian Islands”
“The translations of N. Lountzis for D. Solomos. Poetics and Cultural transfer” [in Greek]
Hybridity, Identity and Micro-cosmopolitanism in the Ionian 19th century. Edition Romiosini, Berlin 2021.
Οι μεταφράσεις του Ν. Λούντζη για τον Δ. Σολωμό. Ποιητική και πολιτισμικές μεταφορές. Edition Romiosini, Berlin 2018.
“The “dark greatness of Hegel” and the first attempt to translate Hegel’s Complete Works”. In: Hegel-Studien, 2021 [in print].
“Ο Ερμάννος Λούντζης και η σολωμική βιβλιοθήκη. Μια σχέση υπό διερεύνηση”. In: Νέα Εστία, 2021 [in print].
“Δύο ζακυνθινές ανθολογίες της Rahel Varnhagen” in: Katerina Karakasi, Katerina Mitralexi , Evi Petropoulou (ed.): Γερμανικός Ρομαντισμός: Πρόσληψη και Κριτική. Λέξις. Athens 2021, 61-74.
“Traduction et négociation identitaire: le cas des îles Ioniennes” in: Traductions et traducteurs dans les Balkans, XVIIIe-XXe siècle. Études balkaniques - Cahiers Pierre Belon 23, 1. 2019, 57-70.
“O Novalis στη Ζάκυνθο. Ένα blaue Blume στον κήπο του Σολωμού” in Πόρφυρας Review, 154, 2015, 311-322.
“Ο Ν. Λούντζης μεταφραστής του Hegel. Oι μεταφράσεις για τον Σολωμό” in Konstantinos Dimadis (ed.): Continuities, Discontinuities, Ruptures in the Greek World (1204-2014), Proceedings 5th European Congress of Modern Greek Studies, Thessaloniki 2-5 October 2014. v. II, E.S.M.G.S. Athens 2015, 347-358.
“Zwei Anthologien aus Zakynthos. Briefe und Gedanken von Rahel Varnhagen” in K. Karakassi, S. Lindinger, M. Michalski (ed.): Deutsche Romantik. Transformationen und Transgressionen. Peter Lang. Frankfurt a. M. 2014, 207-220.
“Οδυσσέας Ελύτης, Ο παράφορος χρόνος, ο μικρόψυχος καιρός κι η ισόβια στιγμή” in Τα Ποιητικά Review, 9. 2013, 16-19.
“Ο μυστικός Ελύτης” in P. M. Minucci, Ch. Bintoudis (ed.): Ο Ελύτης στην Ευρώπη. Ikaros. Athens 2011, 53-66.
“Elitis mistico” in P. M. Minucci, Ch. Bintoudis (ed.): Odisseas Elitis, Un europeo per metà. Donzelli. Rome 2010, 45-54.
P. M. Minucci, T. Cavasino, M. Leivadiotis (ed.): Theo Angelopoulos. Revolver. Bologna 2004.
Eugenio Lo Sardo, Il cosmo degli antichi. Ο κόσμος των αρχαίων, Melani, Athens 2012.