Dr. Florian Fuchs

Former Postdoctoral Researcher in Research Area 4: Literary Currencies
EXC 2020 "Temporal Communities"
Otto-von-Simson-Straße 15
Room 01.10
14195 Berlin
PhD, Yale University, 2017 (“awarded with distinction”)
MPhil, Yale University, 2014
MA, Yale University, 2013
BA, European University Viadrina, 2010
Academic Appointments & Fellowships
Fellow, Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities (KWI), Essen, Germany
Early Career Researcher Fellowship, Dahlem Humanities Center, Freie Universität Berlin
Postdoctoral Researcher and Lecturer in Comparative Literature, German, and the Program of European Cultural Studies, Princeton University
Lector of Germanic Languages and Literatures, Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures, Yale University
Visiting Postdoc, DFG-Graduiertenkolleg “Literatur- und Wissensgeschichte kleiner Formen,” Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Mellon Fellowship, “Technologies of Knowledge”, Yale Mellon Graduate Concentration, Mellon Foundation
Full Stipend Graduate Student, Germanic Literatures and Languages, Yale University
Visiting Researcher Stipend, Division of Languages, Cultures, and Literatures, Stanford University
DAAD Fellowship, International Internship Program, Deutsches Forum für Kunstgeschichte Paris
My primary fields of research are comparative literature, media studies, art history, and environmental humanities. I work on material from the 15th to the 21st century.
Research Interests
- Epistemologies and Affordances of Genres
- Theory Films, Filmic Research, Videographic Criticism
- Personal Devices (Imprese, Batches, Liveries, Devices, Leibsprüche, etc) in the Emergence of Western Personhood (15th-21st century)
- Ecology and Diagrammatics
- Archaeology of the Everyday (Popular, Prosaic, Profane)
Florian Fuchs, Civic Storytelling: The Rise of Short Forms and the Agency of Literature, 330 pages (New York: Zone Books, 2023)
Christiane Frey, Florian Fuchs, David Martyn (eds.), Below Genre. Short Forms and Their Affordances. Colloquia Germanica, Special Issue, Vol. 56.1-2 (2023)
Hannes Bajohr, Florian Fuchs, Joe Paul Krolls (eds. & trans.), History, Metaphors, Fables: A Hans Blumenberg Reader, 620 pages (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2020)
Articles & Essays (selection)
“Decoding Aesop: Blumenberg’s Fabulistic Turn”, in: New German Critique 49.2 (2022): 145. Special Issue “Hans Blumenberg”, 163-183.
“Weiße Mantraklone Kritisches Lipsyncing: Zur Videoinstallation Whiteface von Candice Breitz im Folkwang Museum”, in: cargo – Zeitschrift für Film, Medien, Kultur 55 (September 2022, 14. Jg), 38-41.
“Kontrafaktur der Wirklichkeit um 1500. Ein Versuch zur Medienarchäologie der Prosa”, in: Prosa: Geschichte und Theorie, eds. Michael Gamper, Svetlana Efimova, Berlin/NY: DeGruyter 2021, 15-33.
“The Animation of Sameness. Brecht’s Elephant Calf and the Parade Ground of Epic Theatre”, in: RES: Anthropology and Aesthetics 73/74 (Spring-Autumn 2020), special issue “La Parade”, 238-246.
“Topisches Sprechen nach der Topik. Lockes Commonplacing als Urszene kleiner Formen”, in: Verkleinerung. Epistemologie und Literaturgeschichte kleiner Formen, eds. Maren Jäger, Ethel Matala de Mazza, Joseph Vogl, Berlin: DeGruyter 2021, 109-123.
“Introduction”, in: The Hans Blumenberg Reader, eds. and transl. Hannes Bajohr, Florian Fuchs, and Joe Paul Kroll, Ithaca: Cornell University Press 2020, 1-33 (co-authored with Hannes Bajohr and Joe Paul Kroll).
“An Interview on History, Metaphors, and Fables”, in: Journal of the History of Ideas Blog (together with Hannes Bajohr and Joe Paul Kroll), September 2020.
“Novella”, in: New Literary History 50.3, special issue “In Brief”, eds. Irina Dumitrescu, Bruce Holsinger, 2019.
“Natur, diagrammatisch. Humboldts Tableau physique und Thoreaus Reduced Plan”, in: Rückkehr des Erlebnisses in die Geisteswissenschaften, eds. Mathis Lessau, Nora Zügel, Würzburg: Ergon 2019, 217-233.
“Devise: Personal Devices als Medien 1430/2019”, in: Enzyklopädie der kleinen Formen, “Microform Podcast”, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 2019, Podcast.
Talks (selection)
“Institution und Identität”, Workshop Institutionen/Romane der Gegenwartsliteratur, Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities (KWI), Essen, 2022
“What are Theory Films? On the Visual Afterlife of Textual Procedures”, research colloquium, Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities (KWI), Essen, 2022
“Innenansicht vs. Aussenansicht des Textes”, Keynote, Schreibwochenende für Promovierende, Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities (KWI), Essen, 2022
“Simulation as Implication of Literary Theory”, Seminar “Model Realities: On Simulationstechniken”, German Studies Association Conference, Houston, 2022
“Verfilmte Theorie? Überlegungen zu Harun Farockis Verfahren”, invited lecture, lecture series Denken im Bildraum organized by Prof. Carolin Behrmann, Kunstgeschichtliches Institut, Ruhr Universität Bochum, 2022
“Die Novelle als gesellschaftliche Form und Konfiguration”, invited keynote, workshop organized by Dr. Christiane Frey, Germanistisches Institut, RWTH Aachen, 2022
“My Devices, My Self”, research colloquium organized by Prof. Maria Oikonomou, Germanistisches Institut, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 2022
“Devices – Platforms – Genres”, workshop, Peter Szondi-Institut / Dahlem Humanities Center, Freie Universität Berlin, 2021
“Funktionale Ambiguitäten kleiner Formen”, conference Sprachliche und poetische Ökonomie, Literarisches Colloquium Berlin, 2021
Session of “The Hans Blumenberg Seminars”, Oxford University, University College (with Hannes Bajohr and Joe Paul Kroll), 2020
“Blumenberg’s Moment”, talk, Princeton University, German Department (with Paul Fleming), 2020
“Language Sampling. Sentence and Situation in Röggla and Goetz”, New York University, German Department, 2020
“Paradigmen zu einer Fabulologie”, conference Hans Blumenberg: Neue Zugänge zum Werk, Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung Berlin, 2019
“Forced Sayings: Harsdörffer and Proverbial Realism”, German Studies Association Conference, Portland OR, 2019
“’Enacted Stories’: Arendt’s Media of Appearance”, panel “Transnational Media and the Public Sphere”, Society for Cinema & Media Studies Conference, Seattle, 2019
“Topisches Sprechen / Pragmatisches Sprechen – Urszenen kleiner Formen bei Locke und Vico”, conference „kleiner werden“ – Verfahren und Techniken der Ökonomisierung kleiner Formen, DFG-Graduiertenkolleg 2190 Literatur- und Wissensgeschichte kleiner Formen, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2019
For a complete list of Articles, Essays, Talks, Workshops please visit: https://www.fuchsflorian.com