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Sima Ehrentraut

Sima Ehrentraut
Image Credit: ©Christina Stivali / Turboturbo

Research Associate, CONSTELLATIONS

Member, Research Area 2: Travelling Matters

Freie Universität Berlin
EXC 2020 "Temporal Communities"
Otto-von-Simson-Straße 15
Room 02.02
14195 Berlin

Sima Ehrentraut operates at the intersection between the Cluster’s research projects and the cooperating cultural institutions in Berlin. In their role as Research Associate of the Berlin Partners Network they support the team in conceptualizing and co-curating formats that combine research positions and artistic approaches and take care of the online presentation of the transfer area.

They studied philosophy and theatre studies at Freie Universität Berlin, with a focus on philosophical aesthetics, concepts of body and aesthetic experience, and performance theory.

Their recent research interests lie in questions of digital corporeality, modes of aesthetic disruption, and trans studies.