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Dr. Bivitha Easo

Alliance University, Bengaluru, India

Early Career Fellow in Research Area 1: "Competing Communities", January–June 2025

Bivitha Easo is Assistant Professor in the Department of Language and Literature at the School of Liberal Arts at Alliance University, Bengaluru, India. She holds a PhD and MPhil in Comparative Literature from the University of Hyderabad. Prior to Alliance University, she was Visiting Faculty at the Centre for Comparative Literature, University of Hyderabad. She was one of the consulting editors for Oxford University’s Malayalam-English bilingual dictionary project and is an aspiring translator between English and Malayalam. Her academic interests focus on Christianity and community studies, minority discourse, children’s literatures and vernacular print cultures. Her research articles have been published in journals and edited volumes. Her current research explores vernacular Christianities and community formations in the South Indian context.