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Ernst-Reuter-Preis awarded to EXC 2020 member Jasmin Wrobel

News from Dec 04, 2020

Every year on the fourth of December the Freie Universität Berlin celebrates its anniversary. Since 1985 the university grants the Ernst-Reuter-Preis to its best young scholars for their extraordinary dissertations. One of this years prize winners is EXC 2020 member Jasmin Wrobel. She has been awarded the prize, endowed with 5,000 Euros, for her doctoral thesis on "Topografien des 20. Jahrhunderts: Die memoriale 'Poetik des Stolperns' in Haroldo de Campos Galáxias".

For more information about the Ernst-Reuter-Tag and the Ernst-Reuter-Preis click here.