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DraCor platform, launched by EXC 2020 members Frank Fischer and Peer Trilcke, awarded the Rahtz Prize 2022

DraCor - Rahtz Prize 2022

DraCor - Rahtz Prize 2022
Image Credit: DraCor | Screenshot

DraCor – Weise - Masaniello

DraCor – Weise - Masaniello
Image Credit: DraCor | Screenshot

News from Jan 30, 2023

The DraCor platform has been awarded the Rahtz Prize for TEI Ingenuity 2022. The platform assembles a collection of machine-readable drama corpora in multiple languages from antiquity to modernity and was launched in 2016 by EXC 2020 members Frank Fischer and Peer Trilcke (Potsdam University).

TEI (the Text Encoding Intitative) is the organisation behind the eponymous encoding format used by DraCor and hundreds of other humanities projects world-wide. Launched 36 years ago, TEI is undisputedly the most important data format for the encoding of historical texts. DraCor draws on TEI to provide tailored research data for digital literary studies. It currently contains over 3,000 plays that are being studied using digital methods.

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