Publication | Now available in open access: Books by Bernhard Huss, Anna Luhn and Christian Meyer
News from Feb 17, 2025
We are pleased to announce that three books by our members Bernhard Huss (Research Area 1: "Competing Communities"), Anna Luhn (Research Area 4: "Literary Currencies") and Christian Meyer (Research Area 3: "Future Perfect") are now available in open access thanks to EXC 2020 funding.
L’altra antichità: Autorità e testualità nella letteratura della prima età moderna / The Other Antiquity: Authorship and Textuality in Early Modern Literature. Eds. Irene Fantappiè, Bernhard Huss. Manziana | Vecchiarelli Editore, 2022.
Spiel mit Einsatz: Experimentelle Übersetzung als Praxis der Kritik. Anna Luhn. Vienna/Berlin | Turia + Kant, 2022.
From Trustworthiness to Secular Beliefs: Changing Concepts of Xin 信 from Traditional to Modern Chinese. Eds. Christian Meyer, Philip Clart. Leiden/Boston | Brill 2023.