3. Breakout Sessions
Participate in a Breakout Session
- To see the breakout sessions, click on Participants (Teilnehmer) in the bottom right corner.
- Click on Show All Breakout Sessions (Alle Sitzungen anzeigen) in the upper left corner. This will open a pop-up window that displays all the Breakout Sessions you can join.
- To join a breakout session, click the Join (Beitreten) button.
- The number of participants in each Breakout Session is indicated next to each individual session. You may choose which session to join accordingly.
- To switch to another Breakout Session, simply click on "Show all Breakout Sessions" again and join a different session.
- During the Breakout Session, you can use the chat function to communicate with fellow participants, or talk to them directly.
- To leave a Breakout Session, click on the red button in the taskbar below and select Leave Session (Sitzung verlassen). This will allow you to return to the main meeting.
- To leave the Webex Call entirely, click the red button in the taskbar below and select Leave Meeting (Meeting verlassen).