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Section III: Critical Practices

Taking the hypothesis that practices of public reception such as reviewing are grounded in specific notions of literature, authorship and aesthetic value, this section focuses on two key developments: the latest change in practices of reception and their relation to economic relations of power, and conflicts of valuation as they emerge from the (in)transparent criteria of valuation practices and the (im)possibility to differentiate between aesthetic and political value judgments in public reception. Both focal points consider developments of the last few decades but understand them as inspirations for discussing the history of practices of the public reception of literature in general.


Friday, July 5

10:15 – 11:45 | PANEL

The Value(s) of Cultural Practice: Performing Social Mobility in London and Berlin.

Lianna Mark

Literary Value and the Question of Palestine: A Case Study of Raja Shehadeh's Life Writing

Sophia Brown 

Affect as Aesthetic Judgement: Arabic Literature, Social Media and Vernacular Criticism

Christian Junge

Chair: Barbara Bausch

11:45 – 12:00 | Break

12:00 – 13:30 | ROUNDTABLE (in German)

Praktiken der Kritik – Ein Werkstattgespräch

Elke Buhr, Gregor Dotzauer, Georg Kasch, Ekkehard Knörer & Lea Schneider

Chair: Nadja Küchenmeister

13:30 – 14:30 | Lunch Break

14:30 – 16:00 | ROUNDTABLE

Whose Values, Which Politics? Defaults and Exclusions in the Public Reception of Literature

Maryam Aras, Dominique Haensell, Girish Shambu & Ana Teixeira Pinto

Chair: Till Kadritzke