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Section II: Academic Practices

Perhaps the most crucial underlying practice by which literary scholarship values and evaluates texts is 'close reading'. Surprisingly, this value practice has been little theorised and remains a fetishised concept in scholarship, criticism and beyond, often echoing its alleged peak in New Criticism. The panels of this section thus look at how this hermeneutic and didactic technique has spread to almost all humanities disciplines in the 20th century. They will develop a value-praxeological understanding of close reading and discuss its ideological and transdisciplinary transformations, especially regarding the global circulation of this practice. As a practical pendant, two Digital Humanities Workshops on metrics research and on digital editing will investigate value praxeologies via a hands-on process.


Thursday, July 4


Measuring Public Engagement and the Valuation of Literature on Wikipedia. *

Viktor J. Illmer, Bart Soethaert & Frank Fischer

* To participate in this workshop you will need your own laptop. We also ask that you register separately via l.welz@fu-berlin.de.

13:30 – 14:30 | Lunch Break

14:30 – 16:00 | KEYNOTE
Does Close Reading Have a Politics?

Joseph North
Chair: Eva Geulen

16:00 – 16:30 | Break

16:30 – 18:30 | PANEL DISCUSSION

The Circulation of ‚Close Reading’ – Worldwide?

Yvonne Albers, Dustin Breitenwischer, Florian Fuchs & Jasmin Wrobel

Friday, July 5


The Visible Editor: Valuing Literature through Editorial Practices in Open and Digital Publishing

Robert Forke, Emma Gallon, Eva Locher & Christopher Ohge
Chair: Rebecca Hardie