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Annual Conferences


Literary Value: Artistic, Academic and Critical Practices

Annual Conference 2024
Research Area 4: Literary Currencies
The conference investigated practices of literary evaluation as processes that result either in implicit or explicit forms of (re-)evaluating literary phenomena, for instance by assigning new value to them or by increasing or lowering the esteem they are held in.

Constant Change: The Temporal Dimensions of Materialities in the Arts

Annual Conference 2023
Research Area 2: Travelling Matters
While the spatial dynamics of travelling materialities have already been conceptualized in a variety of ways, the conference will shift attention primarily to material mobilities in time.

Anticipating Modernities

Annual Conference 2022
Research Area 3: Future Perfect
The conference seeks to explore how the process of „doing literature” is always involved in developing and transforming its own historical and temporal forms of signification, how imagined futures can only be established by relying on past models, how current cultural productions are haunted by the suppressed lines of tradition embedded within them, and how visions of literature go out of date.

Worlds of Literature — Competing Notions of the Global

Annual Conference 2021
Research Area 1: Competing Communities
With its first annual conference, the Cluster turns to the question of how competing notions of the global have affected and continue to affect debates about ‘world literature’ and processes of transnational literary canonisation.

Grand Opening

Annual Conference 2019
The Cluster commenced its work on 1 January, 2019. The Cluster builds its dynamic and flexible platform for collaborative research through an extensive fellowship programme, a global network of academic institutions and cooperations with partners in Berlin's vibrant literary and artistic scene. The Grand Opening explores how literature manifests itself as a multi-faceted practice at the nexus of academia, art and culture.