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Workshop | Depth of Field: Decolonization and the Grounds of Art(istic) Research

Nov 26, 2021 - Nov 27, 2021

Organised by Lindsey Drury, Research Area 5: "Building Digital Communities"

With Sarah Amsler, Dani D’Emilia, Tada Hozumi, Wojtek Klimczyk, Gretta Louw, Luiza Prado, Tiara Roxanne, and Mukhtara Yusuf.

In a sense, colonisation is both manifested by and has itself manifested fields. Foundational to settler-colonialism is the transformation of so-called 'virgin land' into fields of economised agricultural space. Applied and field-based sciences such as botany and ethnography played 'scholarly' roles in extractive colonial economies, filled natural history museums with plunder and expanded European world-ordering systems of thought. The colonial concept of Terra Nullius even mirrors the notion of the 'visual field' in art, defined by the Chicago School of Media Theory as a field in which one can "simultaneously see something and nothing at all; emptiness, absence, paradoxically fills the very space of vision". If fields diverge into lands, disciplines, research practices and components of artistic composition, fields nonetheless converge in that they systematise and formalise material and conceptual grounds. Fields are further tied to historically European measures of practice; the acre is the size of field that could be ploughed by a medieval farmer in a day. Fields provide for complex topographies of ownership, belonging, and means of valuation for labours, ideas, practices, objects, colours, media, and lands alike.

The workshop "Depth of Field: Decolonization and the Grounds of Art(istic) Research" involves a small group of scholars and artists whose work on decolonisation re-evaluates the 'fields' and 'fieldworks' of arts research and art-as-research.


Friday, 26 November

14:00-14:30 | Lindsey Drury: Introduction - Neither Field nor Forensic / neither property nor sovereignty (online and in-person)

14:30-15:30 | Gretta Louw: Warnayaka Art, Networking the Unseen (online)

16:00-17:30 | Dani d’Emilia in conversation with Sarah Amsler (Gesturing Towards Decolonial Futures Collective): Gesturing Towards Decolonial Futures through Queer Metabolic Sensibilities (online)

18:00-19:00 | Tada Hozumi and guest moderated by Ben Spatz: Underneath both cultural conditioning and epigenetics: the memetic-somatic origins of white supremacy (online)

Saturday, 27 November

14:00-15:00 | Wojtek Klimczyk:Performing Idiotic Knowledge: Walking with Nijinsky (online and in-person)

15:30-16:30 | Tiara Roxanne: Digital Territory and Indigeneity (online)

17:00-18:00 | Luiza Prado: The Councils of the Pluriversal (online)

18:30-19:30 | Muhktara Yusuf: Indigenous Ecologies (online)

Time & Location

Nov 26, 2021 - Nov 27, 2021

Freie Universität Berlin
EXC 2020 "Temporal Communities"
Otto-von-Simson-Straße 15
14195 Berlin
Room 00.05

Further Information

To register for the event, contact Lindsey Drury, l.drury@fu-berlin.de. Please note that in-person attendance is limited and 2G+. The event is also accessible online via WebEx.