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Thematic Einstein Forum | Opening Day

Oct 26, 2022 | 03:00 PM

The event is part of the Thematic Einstein Forum “Scales of Temporality: Modeling Time and Predictability in the Literary and the Mathematical Sciences”. The forum is organised within the framework of the Berlin Mathematics Research Center MATH+ in collaboration with EXC 2020 “Temporal Communities” and supported by the Einstein Foundation Berlin.

To kick off the collaboration in the Thematic Einstein Forum Scales of Temporality: Modeling Time and Predictability in the Literary and the Mathematical Science, speakers of both institutions will introduce the Thematic Einstein Forum’s central question of temporality and its models from the perspectives of their field and their research agenda. As a starting point for conversations, an opening reception with posters and presentations invites researchers to engage – informally and informatively – in an exchange to initiate a vivid exploration of intersections between the two disciplines and clusters.


15:00 | Welcome address by the president of Freie Universität Günter Ziegler

15:15-15:45 | Keynote by Christof Schütte (chair MATH+)

15:45-16:15 | Keynote by Andrew James Johnston (co-director EXC 2020)

16:30-18:00 | Forum

  • Nataša Djurdjevac Conrad, Margarita Kostré, Johannes Zonker Computational Humanities (MATH+)

  • Lindsey Drury Building Digital Communities (EXC 2020 RA5)

  • Simon Godart, Benjamin Brewer Future Perfect (EXC 2020 RA3)

  • Alexandra Ksenofontova Literary Currencies (EXC 2020 RA4)

  • Dennis Mischke (Ada Lovelace Center for Digital Humanities)

  • Friederike Schäfer Travelling Matters (EXC 2020 RA2)

  • Marcus Weber Continuous Numerical Analysis (MATH+)

  • Sarah Wolf Decision Theatre: Model + Dialogue (MATH+)

18:00 | Reception

Time & Location

Oct 26, 2022 | 03:00 PM

Freie Universität Berlin
Institut für Physik
Studierendenzentrum BoB – ehemalige Bibliothek
Raum 0.3.01 und 1.3.18
Arnimallee 14
14195 Berlin