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The Berlin Partners Network is a core element of CONSTELLATIONS: the deepening relationships with the cultural institutions in Berlin are indispensable for implementing the Cluster’s concept of knowledge exchange, contact and outreach. Building on the core idea of co-curation, the partnerships with established and highly active institutions are meant to redefine the concept of knowledge exchange, thereby reshaping established methods and methodologies of knowledge transfer. In learning from our partners in the cultural field and in joining academic practices with artistic strategies, CONSTELLATIONS complements the transdisciplinary approach that defines "Temporal Communities".

Aiming at a shift of perspectives regarding the concept of literature, its spheres, networks and temporalities, it comes as no surprise that the Cluster’s collaborative efforts have placed a strong emphasis on working with Berlin’s literary institutions. However, the Cluster’s activities also extend to collaborative engagements with institutions from the performative arts sector, with archival institutions focused on the collection and preservation of manuscripts, books and digital media, as well as genuinely transdisciplinary institutions.