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(Expired) Position for a research associate (E13 TV-L FU, 100% or 50%, 4 years) in Research Area 5: "Building Digital Communities"

1 position for a research associate at EXC 2020 "Temporal Communities" (E13 TV-L FU, 100%) for 4 years. This position can be split up into two part time positions.

Deadline: 19 April 2021

News from Mar 15, 2021

English | German

The announced position offers the opportunity to propose and pursue a research project that makes a substantial contribution to the research agenda of the cluster. The project should align with the questions and topics of Research Area (RA) 5, "Building Digital Communities" and engage with visual modelling in a practical manner that is translatable to other projects of the Cluster. The project will thus play a seminal role in linking the Research Areas of the Cluster from a digital perspective.

The position is located in Research Area 5, "Building Digital Communities" which contributes to advancing both the critical reflection on and the practical application of visual modelling in the Digital Humanities. It takes EXC TC’s notion of temporal communities as a starting point for exploring the translatability of the Cluster’s innovative approach to literary history into visual digital formats.

Further information in the job advertisments of Freie Universität Berlin from 14 March 2021 under the reference code: EXC 2020 RT_B WiMi RA 5 2021 (PDF)

Job description:

  • Development and implementation of an original and innovative research project within the focus areas of Research Area 5 “Building Digital Communities”
  • Development of approaches to modelling and visualising ‘temporal communities’ that are translatable to projects in other Research Areas of the Cluster
  • Contributing to the design and practical implementation of a shared technical framework for storing, editing and exchanging research data sets from EXC TC projects (Wikibase)
  • Building collaborations with non-university partner institutions in Berlin as well as with libraries at Freie Universität and beyond with a view to the Cluster’s overall digital strategy, ideally as an integral part of the proposed research project
  • Contributing to developing the Cluster’s core concepts and methods and to strengthening and expanding its international network 

  • Conceiving and organising international interdisciplinary conferences and workshops

M.A. in literary studies and/or another humanities discipline or in informatics, Digital Humanities, computer linguistics or library science


  • Documented skills and competencies in Digital Humanities, computer linguistics, library science or applied informatics
  • Broad awareness of current trends and tendencies in literature and/or cultural studies
  • Excellent ICT skills and a pronounced interest in ICT-based methods in literary and cultural studies
  • Completed or advanced PhD project relevant to the announced position
  • Experience with conceiving and implementing data models for research purposes in the context of historically oriented humanities
  • Experience in research data management in alignment with the FAIR principles

  • Experience in working with existing standards and principles for creating reusable and linked data sets
  • Experience in graph-based knowledge modelling and visualisiation

  • Proactive and collaborative working style; pragmatic and target-oriented approach

  • Academic communication skills in German and English

Further information

Applications containing the usual documents (CV, credentials, list of publications) as well as a maximum 5-page synopsis of the planned research project may be submitted either in English or in German. The synopsis should make explicit the concrete contribution to the research agenda of the cluster and explain how the planned research project combines aspects of two or more Research Areas. Applications should contain the reference code and be sent by e-mail to Professor Anita Traninger and Professor Gyburg Uhlmann as one PDF file: ra5@temporal-communities.de.

If you plan to apply, please consult the following sites:

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