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(Expired) Position for a full-time research associate (post-doc) in Research Area 1: "Competing Communities"

One position for a research associate (Postdoc) at the EXC 2020 Temporal Communities (RA1) (m/f/d). Full-time job, limited to 31.12.2025. Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L. Application Deadline: 11. October, 2021.

News from Sep 20, 2021

English | German

The Cluster of Excellence 2020 "Temporal Communities: Doing Literature in a Global Perspective" aims to create a new theoretical and methodological take on literature in a global perspective. Introducing the notion of ‘temporal communities’, the Cluster investigates the ways in which literature reaches out through space and time, establishing complex temporalities and extensive transcultural and transtemporal networks as it interacts with other arts and media. The Cluster’s research is conducted within five Research Areas: 1. Competing Communities, 2. Travelling Matters, 3. Future Perfect, 4. Literary Currencies, 5. Building Digital Communities.

The postdoctoral position is situated in Research Area (RA) 1, "Competing Communities".
Research Area (RA) 1 questions the totalising implications of previous notions of the ‘global’ and supplants them with a concept of ever-shifting relations of transtemporal competitive entanglement. RA1 is especially interested in the criteria for what constitutes a community – what does it take to speak of a community? How small, how large can communities be? Can they intersect? Can an actor belong to different communities at the same time? How do communities voice their claims to globality? Expected starting date of the position: 1 January 2022. Further information: www.temporal-communities.de

Further information in the job advertisements of Freie Universität Berlin from 19. September 2021 under the reference code: EXC 2020 RT C Postdoc RA1 2022 (PDF).

Job description:

  •  development and implementation of an individual research project within Research Area 1 „Competing Communities“ with the aim of completing a monograph
  • taking the lead in organising research cooperation within Research Area 1
  • coordinating Research Area 1’s contributions to the Living Handbook of Temporal Communities in close cooperation with the Managing Editor and the Editorial Board
  • a substantial contribution to the further development of the cluster’s concepts and methodology and of its international networks

  • conceiving and organising international, interdisciplinary workshops and conferences
  • mentoring the doctoral students of Research Area
  • liaising with the Research Area’s international fellows
  • responsibility for the Research Area’s financial administration in cooperation with the Cluster’s Managing Director

doctoral thesis in philosophy, in literary studies or another humanities discipline


  • a very good knowledge of the research issues covered in Research Area 1
  • a track record of successful interdisciplinary work
  • research experience with a special emphasis on issues related to Research Area 1

  • experience in conceiving, planning and organising a broad variety of formats of scholarly exchange (workshops, conferences, possibly even newly conceived formats)

  • an excellent doctoral thesis
  • a very good knowledge of both German and English (with a minimum competence in one of these languages at the level of C1 GER and the other at the level of B2 GER)

Further Information

In addition to the usual documents (CV, references, list of publications), applications should include a maximum 5-page synopsis of the planned book project in German or English. The synopsis should show how the project contributes to the research agenda of the Cluster and to the Research Area. Applications, indicating the reference code, should be sent electronically by e-mail as ONE pdf-file to Prof. Dr. Miltos Pechlivanos and Prof Dr. Frank Kelleter: ra1@temporal-communities.de, indicating the reference code.

For administrative reasons, only electronic applications can be accepted.

With an electronic application, you acknowledge that FU Berlin saves and processes your data. FU Berlin cannot guarantee the security of your personal data if you send your application over an unencrypted connection.

Freie Universität Berlin is an equal opportunity employer.

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