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(Expired) Position for a research associate (Managing Editor, E13 TV-L FU, 100%)

1 position for a research associate (Managing Editor) at EXC 2020 "Temporal Communities" for 3 years (E13 TV-L FU, 100%)

Application deadline: 06 July 2020

News from Jun 15, 2020

deutsch | english

The Cluster of Excellence 2020 "Temporal Communities" offers a position for a research associate (Managing Editor). The collaboratively authored Living Handbook of Temporal Communities (LHTC) is the Cluster’s central digital publication platform. The position of the LHTC’s Managing Editor will be situated with the Editors and the Editorial Board of the LHTC.

The detailed and legally binding call for applications can be found on the page for Job Offers at Freie Universität Berlin (June 2020) under the following reference codes:

Job description:

  • Serving as Managing Editor of the LHTC in close collaboration with the LHTC’s editors and editorial board
  • Development and implementation of standardised, cluster-specific workflows for academic publishing, and of a common frame of reference for the Living Handbook of Temporal Communities, based on individual experience in research and publishing in the humanities.
  • Quality management, academic editing, copy-editing and proofreading of English-language contributions to the Living Handbook of Temporal Communities according to academic standards.
  • Coordination, monitoring, and execution of LHTC-related workflows concerning the solicitation of contributions, quality assurance, editing, and publication of texts.
  • Identification of possible contributors for individual entries, assignment and monitoring of the development of contributions („commissioning editor“).
  • Authoring of original contributions to the LHCT, drafting of introductions, abstracts, summaries, etc.
  • Design, management, and linking of LHTC’s controlled vocabularies for the tagging of content and bibliographic references.
  • Subject indexing and public dissemination of LHTC content.
  • Collaboration and possibly joint authorship of academic publications with the Cluster’s postdoctoral researchers 
  • Preparation, chairing, and documentation of LHTC’s Editorial Board meetings.

Candidates must hold a PhD in the humanities


  • Native speaker of English (or linguistic competence at a comparable level)
  • An excellent knowledge of academic German, ideally commensurate with that of a native speaker
  • An excellent doctoral thesis
  • Excellent familiarity with theoretical approaches and schools in the humanities
  • Experience with the editing and editorial management of English-language publications in the humanities
  • Experience with managing peer review processes
  • Excellent knowledge of content management systems, familiarity with the administration of websites (preferably WordPress)
  • Communicative personality with a distinguished academic profile, preferably in the historical humanities
  • Independent, quick and precise working style, team-oriented and resilient personality

For further information please contact Katja Heinrich (k.heinrich@fu-berlin.de / +49 30 838 55057).

Applications should be sent by e-mail, together with significant documents, indicating the reference code, in PDF format (preferably as one document) to: Katja Heinrich: k.heinrich@fu-berlin.de

On the given occasion and for the duration of the essential on-site operations by Freie Universität Berlin, we kindly ask you to apply electronically by e-mail. The processing of a postal application cannot be guaranteed.

With an electronic application, you acknowledge that FU Berlin saves and processes your data. FU Berlin cannot guarantee the security of your personal data if you send your application over an unencrypted connection.